Welcome to EmpowerED Parents and Professionals Membership

Transforming the Approach to Executive Function Support


Are you a parent, educator, or professional dedicated to helping teens and young adults overcome executive function challenges? 

The EmpowerED Membership is designed just for you!


Unlock the Full Potential of Teens and Young Adults

Our comprehensive membership program provides an in-depth understanding of executive function deficits and equips you with the tools and strategies needed to support and empower those you guide.

  • Enhance your understanding of executive function
  • Develop effective strategies to promote executive functions in your young adults
  • Develop greater confidence in your ability to support and guide young individuals
  • Have continued access to a supportive professional community with no spam or misinformation
  • Comprehensive Approach to Enhancing Executive Function Skills

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Empower the transformative growth in your teen or young adult and witness the remarkable changes that your guidance can bring them.

Sign Up NOW

Just Think, In The New Year, You Could…

  • obtain the tools to necessary to help your young adult succeed 
  • Not feel so isolated or overwhelmed due to a supportive community
  • Learn new strategies and information to change your approach and develop a stronger relationship

The right people and the right information can make all the difference.  And you'll have access to it all in EmpowerED Parents and Professionals.


EmpowerED Parents and Professionals Membership


Empower Yourself to Empower Others

Our comprehensive membership program provides an in-depth understanding of executive function deficits and equips you with the tools and strategies needed to support and empower those you guide.

  • Be a part of a supportive community
  • Have live opportunities to engage with professionals
  • Take home ready-to-use activities and tools each month that will promote executive function growth

With an opportunity like this, you could be the changemaker that helps make a significant difference in your child/student's life.

What's Included In The Membership...


Members Only Podcast

Through these regular video updates, you'll gain insights directly from experts in the field, presented in an accessible and personal format. Each Podcast entry is designed to not only inform but also inspire, featuring real-life examples, innovative approaches, and the latest research findings. With this you will get:

  • An interactive learning experience
  • Direct access to expert insights
  • Real-life applications and examples

Monthly Live Q&A Sessions

The monthly live Q&A sessions in the EmpowerED membership are a valuable opportunity for real-time interaction and personalized support. These sessions offer several key benefits:

  • Direct Access to Experts
  • Community Interaction to hear others questions or concerns
  • Immediate Clarification and Guidance to your own personal questions

These interactive sessions not only enhance your learning experience but also help to build a supportive network, essential for anyone working to improve executive function in teens and young adults.


In-Depth Educational Courses

The monthly educational courses offered in the EmpowerED membership are a cornerstone of the program, providing members with in-depth, structured learning experiences. These courses offer substantial benefits:


  • Comprehensive Learning: Covering a wide range of topics related to executive function, each course delves deep into specific areas, ensuring a thorough understanding of both fundamental and advanced concepts.
  • Expertly Crafted Content: Designed by professionals in the field, these courses blend theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that members receive current, evidence-based information.
  • Expertly Crafted Content: Designed by professionals in the field, these courses blend theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that members receive current, evidence-based information.

These monthly educational courses equip members with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively support teens and young adults with executive function challenges, enhancing both personal and professional development.


Hands-On Monthly Activities

The hands-on monthly activities in the EmpowerED membership are a dynamic component that brings learning to life. These activities offer significant benefits:

  • Practical Application: Members get to apply the concepts learned in a tangible way, reinforcing their understanding and honing their skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Engagement and Interaction: These activities encourage active participation, making the learning process more immersive and enjoyable, which is crucial for retaining knowledge.
  • Immediate Feedback and Adaptation: By engaging in these activities, members can immediately see the outcomes of their approaches, allowing for quick adaptation and improvement in their techniques.

These activities not only solidify the theoretical knowledge gained but also ensure that members are well-prepared to effectively implement executive function strategies with teens and young adults.


This Membership Is For You If...

  • You're a parent seeking effective strategies and even some camaraderie to support and enhance your teen's executive function skills.
  • You're an educational professional looking to create a more supportive and effective learning environment for students with executive function difficulties.
  • You're committed to personal and professional growth, eager to join a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for empowering the next generation with essential life skills.
  • You want to give your child/student every opportunity to succeed and achieve their goals.

I'm Justin Lundstedt

I'm Justin Lundstedt, an occupational therapist with over two decades of experience and a personal journey with executive function challenges. Diagnosed later in adulthood, I intimately understand the struggles that teens and young adults face in navigating life's complexities.

Driven by my own experiences, my professional life has been dedicated to aiding those who find personal goal achievement elusive due to a lack of understanding from others about how their brains work. My mission is to empower educators, therapists, and parents with a deeper neurological understanding of young individuals, alongside practical strategies to foster the development of essential executive functions.

I've crafted this membership as a sanctuary for learning, support, and empowerment. Here, you'll gain invaluable insights and tools to guide teens and young adults towards becoming happy, successful adults, achieving what matters most to them. I'm thrilled to welcome you to this community where education meets understanding, and where every young person's potential is recognized and nurtured.

Join us in this exciting journey at EmpowerED!

"Justin has created a unique and invaluable resource for OTs on how to better understand and assist our teens and young adult clients achieve success in life."

- Krista

"Justin reinforced functional things that we already do and it also made me think about how I can bring more to the table at meetings when I am talking about my transition students

- Cathy

"Every school district, every practice, everywhere that executive function is addressed should take a course with Justin. He shows that a change in mindset and the way we look at our clients can make all the difference!"

- Marissa

EmpowerED Parents and Professionals Membership


Pay In Full

$200 Annual payment (Savings of 20%)


Pay Monthly

20$ monthly